Despite what the Obama camp would like you to believe, for the most part the electoral demographics have NOT changed dramatically.
Some slight changes:
- Turn-out in aggregate was up
- Black turnout was up only a few percentage points.
- First time voter turn-out
- Young (-30)
As expected, Obama won the -30 and McCain the +55.
Remember the historical aspect of this election. This was Barack's election to lose.
- 8 years of a party in the White House
- President with low approval ratings
- Congressional control with low approval ratings
- Financial crisis which favors Democrats
- Competitive primary with HRC that energized and engaged the base
- A stratified GOP
The only thing working against him was his inexperience vs. large national security issues. His job was reassuring voters that he was competent and safe as Commander in Chief. Apparently, he did that.
Given all of this, it is amazing how well McCain actually did!
It was sad to see McCain walk off the stage last night. He is a true American. He has given more than most to the country he loves. The right man, the wrong time.
Today starts the revival of the conservative movement. The pendulum will swing back. In 1984 and 1994 the Dems were all but written off as a national party. The GOP will take some lumps and re-build. I'll be talking more in the future about our new leadership, the direction of conservatives, and the role of the opposition party.
Keep your head up!
Signing off...JCB
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"The right man, the wrong time."
ReplyDeleteRight on.