"It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt." -- JP Curran, 1790

Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Eve: Gov./Senate/House races that will help GOP turnout for McCain

Tomorrow is Election Day. Polls have tightened.

Late breaking news may sway some of the Battleground voters:
  1. Obama = Bankrupt the Coal industry comments could hurt in Ohio, Penn, and VA.
  2. Palin = Cleared in Troopergate, helps with swing vote women in FL and the midwest

What helps McCain are the states where there are hotly contest Governor, Senate, and House races. As everyone talks about Dem voter turnout this year, watch these races help draw higher turnout of the conservative base. Some states where he will benefit:

  1. New Hampshire = Sununu is in a hard fought race for his Senate seat
  2. Minnesota = Coleman v. Franken (No Franken Way!) is one of the most expensive Senate races ever. Also Michele Bachman in a conservative House district could help McCain's numbers there significantly. Paulsen v. Madia (long held GOP stronghold)
  3. Penn = Russell v. Murtha in Western PA, Barletta v. Kanjorski (heavy GOP territory)
  4. NM = White v. Heinrich
  5. NC = Kissell v. Hayes, Dole v. Hagan, and Perdue v. McCrory.
  6. FL = Feeney v Kosmas, Rooney v. Mahoney (heavy GOP territory), Diaz-Balart v. Garcia in a heavy Cuban voting Miami suburb, Keller v. Grayson
  7. OH = Stivers v. Kilroy, Chabot v. Driehaus
  8. NV = Porter v. Titus (battleground counties for NV)

To quote the radio announcer from Game 6 of the greatest World Series ever, in which the MN Twins beat the ATL Braves on a Kirby Puckett Home Run; "We'll see ya tomorrow night!"

Sorry Dallas, I guess ATL got its payback in '98 against the Vikes.

Signing off...JCB

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1 comment:

  1. Better games:

    Game 7 1992 NLCS -- Sid Bream..."Safe, Safe, Safe! Braves Win!"

    Game 6 1995 WS -- Braves World Champs.


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