Change you can believe in? or Change you can inherit?
Caroline Kennedy is just another example of the nepotism in politics. It is sadly fascinating to see the hypocrisy of proclamations that the Democrats will break up the "business-as-usual". Really?
How? By appointing, sorry anointing successors to power? I get it, politics is a family business. But, this presumptive birthright to power sickens me. This isn't new but seems to be reaching an all time low. Teddy was just as unqualified to be a Senator as Caroline is today. When a former first lady and junior Senator is somehow the most experienced candidate from your party, you have to ask if there is a problem. When cousins are elected to the Senate in neighboring states in the same year, you have to ask if there is a problem. When a Senate seat is vacated and the first right of refusal goes to that Senators son, you have to ask if there is a problem. When a career philanthropist is "offered" a Senate seat because of her last name, you have to ask if there is a problem. There are thousands of examples.
Draw whatever comparisons you like, but is it really possible for someone to think that Caroline Kennedy is more qualified than Sarah Palin to hold any political office?
The Princess and the Pauper:
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Friday, December 19, 2008
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